
What do you think Ms. Ariana Miyamoto as Japan's representative?

  To be honest, the last class was the first time to see Arianea Miyamoto. So, I didn't think something especially when the teacher said that she is a representative of  Japanese ladys. My first impression for her were that she is actually beautiful but isn't enough to be a represantative and that she doesn't look like a Japanese. Without any knowledge about her, I should not write about her, so I researched about her a little.

  Before I know her, I didn't totally agree with that she is a representative of miss universe because of her appearance. However, I changed the thought. she was born in Nagasaki and lived in there until she went to study abroad when she was 15 years old. She spent almost all part of her life in Japan and it can be said that a lady who had been brought up in Japan with Japanese since she was born have the same thought way with any other Japanese.

  But this is also a fact that Ms. Ariana can not be seen exactly like a Japanese for us. This topic is so controversial tha t there are a lot of articles and video debating about her on the Internet. On youtube there are also many video and comment. In one of those, a interviewer asked "Do you want to support ArianaMiyamoto (Miss Universe Japan 2015) as Japan's representative?" to people in Japan. Most Japanese answered yes, and a lady said "Well, with regard to Japanese-ness, I felt she was quite Japanese when I saw her on TV. Likewise, if she wants to support Japan, and if she wants to make it in Japan, I would like to support her."

 In the interview, about her mixed background is also asked. Many people said nealry the same with my opinion that her background is the reason she is Japanese rather than is problem. For example, a man said "I don't think the contest is just about the appearance. It's also about the kind of stuff you won't learn unless you grow up in Japan. So people shouldn't judge her solely by her appererance."

  This topic may become a good oppotunity to think about some discrimination to foreigners and mixed people. I have many friends like these, and I've never looked down on or hate such people. However, I might have a little minds to see mixed people special. Because, in the video, every Japanese accept mixed people but they also recognize that there is a discrimination to some extent. through this homework, I strongly thought it is important that everyone should feel usual to be mixed people or foreigners next to us in a class. This may be the first step to make a true grobal society.

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