
If I were the opposite sex

  At 7 a.m, I woke up and found that something is wrong with myself. I touched  my body. I had breast and long hair, but lost muscles and views from high position, and a very important part between legs. I was a female. I were confused, but excited a little. A funny strange day had begun.

  I shout to mom and be surprised again. I had a high tone voice. I was happy because I could sing Taylor Swift.
  Then, I watched a mirror and checked my face with humming "trouble". I was so cute, of course. I was pleased my face, especially long eyelashes. Then, I serected what I wear today. It was fun to think what suits me, but wearing a skirt wasn't good because it was as if I wear nothing.
  At 8 a.m, a happy breakfast had been supposed to start, but it wasn't. My stomach came to be so small.I was disappointed and go out with full though I don't feel like eating much.

Where should a teen girl go to? I had no hesitate but went to Harajuku. I went shopping, ate pancake as a lunch and went a theater where held The Girl's Day. Why I took such a long time to make decisions? Why I was enough such a sweet lunch? Why I was moved and cried soon? I didn't notice them at that time, but, it was because I was a girl.

  In afternoon, I had a triathlon training. Fitst, swimming. Of course, I couldn't swim as I wanted to. I had to breathe air more frequent than usual, and I couldn't crawl powerful. I struggled with unusual body, but thanks to much fat, I could float easily. The next was bike. What I was surprised most was that it wasn't painful to sit on a hard saddle long time. At last, I ran 5km. It wasn't difficult than thr others. Actually, I couldn't strong step, but Iight body helped to run smoothly.

 It was so massive day that I am still excited in my bed now. There were a lot of differences between usual i and today's one for better or worse. I'm confused, too. Which will I wake up tomorrow, as a male or a female? I, of coutse, prefer to male, but it was fun today. I can't sleep!!

This is a imaginary diary as you know.


Controversial Topics

Animal Experiment

  People has been hoping to know what they are and cure themselves, and studied ourselves for a long time, sometimes, with animals. For more than 2000 years, before Aristotle was born, it is said that animal experiments had started and it means that history of anti-animal experiments had started simultaneously.
  About 350 B.C, some philosopher seemed to be allowed to dissect mankind by kings. Of course, some people opposed to, but point of argument was whether dissection was able to gain appropriate results or not.
  More than 100 years later, the moral, finally, came to be discussed. However, people couldn't find the answer. One king allowed to dissect daed bodies. Some kings never permitted hurting lives, others admitted, to some extent, animals only. In ancient Roma, dissecting dogs was one of the amusement. In a family, the father was scientist and dissected, but his wife and his daughter established animal welfare organization. They probably couldn't endure to see suffering animals. Animal welfare always has been insisted where scientists use animals.

  However closely I learn about the issue, I cannot get an answer which opinion is right, so I introduce each claim.
  First, about right of animals. Anti-animal experiments say that killing animals is equal to kill people. If they did't die, they must be suffered by strict experiments. Almost all of animals that were rescued Orangutan have from enclosed cage  were frightened to contact people. Then, those who are killed are robbed their last lives by people. Every animal are entitled to enjoy each lives like us. However, scientists insist that they protect animal right as possible as they can. They say that killing animals to study needs to mankind. Thanks to such experiments, many medicines were made and many people who suffer from uninvestigated diseases. Not to make animals suffered, they use anesthesia and select euthanasia if animals come to suffering. Then, not to rob animals lives, scientists breed dedicated subjects like rats without fur.
  Second, about merit of animal experiments. People who oppose to the experiments think mankinds and the other animals are different, so it cannot gain enough date. For example, HIV virus investigation had held with apes. But, It was discovered that mankinds and apes has another reaction to the virus.And no matter how hard they use animals, they finally need clinical experiments. Many clinical experiments have been held without any confidence not to die or suffer subjects by the experiment. Thus, what make anti-animal experiments offrnd is to make cosmetics. Rats' skin had used to examine effects to use cosmetics. In this point, Japanese government banned already. About clinical experiments , they need to reduce any risks. So, they insist that to avoid exposing people to danger, it is important to use animals which is similar to mankinds. Orangutan's DNA has same more than 99.9% with mankinds. Experiments  with orangutans and another apes helped to improve chemotherapy for cancers.
  Third, about rules. Scientists are accused that they are allowed to kill animals freely. And government overlooks their outrageous deads. In addition, such experiments are thought unplanned and trusting to chance. Their claims are partly correct. Actually, scientists are allowed to kill some animals but  they had already investigated what will be expucted in the experiments in the view of many scientific points. After the strict investigation, they offre to the government and schemes are checked again. Then, they finally be able to start the experiments, but scientists still conscious to  animals. Then, new slogan"3R" is now used. First "R" is Replacement to animals that are far from mankinds. The second one is Reduction numbers of subjects. The last one is Refinement to reduce pain of subjects and improve the environment of experiments center.

  As I said, each opinion has valid ground and seems to be correct each other. Maybe we cannot find the answer forever, but I think animal experiments are valid now. Through the study, I thought that killing or hurting animals in experiments is needed to save people like we eat fish and pigs to survive. If you say that breeding dedicated subjects is illegal, how about livestock? Life to bear eggs is immoral? Scientists seem to protect rights of animals as possible as they can. I felt that anti-animal experiments have to judge the issue more calm. Assault the HIV experiments factory is clearly beyond moral and rules of people. Actually, killing animals is not good, but if I were anti-animal experiments, I won't assault the laboratory. I would seek the way to do experiments without animals. I think ghis is one of the resistance and I strongly hope it comes true.


Another Country 's Food

  A dining table reflects the country's background; culture, geological features, history, and so on. Palau, a rice-using food, is widely eaten in Afghanistan. It is similar to Palo, a dish of Iran where southwest of Afghanistan. Then, there are the other Palo in west of China and Ploff in Uzbekistan. Every dishes are made from rice, but northwest Palau has sharp smell of spice like Iranian Palo and southwest one includes a lot of callots like Chinese one.  I think you have already notice that four dishes have similar name though each countries has respective mother tongue.

  Like that, learning Afghan background is the first step to search Afghan cuisine.
  Afghanistan is located in Central Asia and surrounded by six countries; Iran, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and China. Such geological features appear in similar names.
  Many years ago, Afghanistan was on the way of Silk road and connects Europa and China and India. A lot of new foods were imported and especially, spice and fresh fruits came to be used in dishes. For example, kebab and sabab which called salad in English.
  About 1900, border was lined by UK and several tribes are in Afghanistan. "Ashu" officially indicates noodles dish in Afghanistan. However, Oshu is a rice dish in a north tribe, Aeshi is a thin bread in a west tribe. Some tribes who emigrate to Eastern Africa call a dish like dango in Japan "Ashiide".
  One of the main indstries in Afghanistan is daily farming. So, yogurt is widely used in dishes. They eat naan with yogurt called paahi in there, Ashack made from tomato source and "gurt", a dry yogurt.

  Many cultures, tribes and farming, in addition, it's mountainous region have generated a lot of dishes. We probably cannot define what Afghan cuisine is, but this is it, I think. It's variety may be the greatest point of the country. I hope a day when we can go there easily and taste Afghan dishes will come.

Recipe of Palau












Food for Athletes ; Peanuts, The Best Friend of Athletes

  How do you think to eat peanuts? Is it not good because they include much fat? Do their high calories make us unhealthy? Actually, peanuts used to be considered as unhealthy foods. However, a lot of American scientists exploded the theory since 2000. In 21century, peanuts became very healthy foods.

  One of the reasons why peanuts was not healthy foods was their plenty of fat. It was said that we gain weight when we eat them. However, The Peanut Institute proved peanuts' fat is good for health. Their fat, which is called Unsaturated Fatty Acid; 不飽和脂肪酸 in Japanese, contains Oleic Acid. They help to decrease body fat, so some athletes who have to lose weight may be helped greatly. Of course, women who struggle to lose weight will be helped, too.
  Then, I have another reason to respect them for such an athletes. Latest studies proved that we seem to feel full if we eat them in the morning. Our brains seem to be decieved easily by their particular chemicals. However, let  alone, you should not eat them a lot.
  I already be able to insist that peanuts are now healthy food.But, I can list more merits.
  Do you know arginine!? this spread vein and encourage to carry oxygen to body from head to toe.
  Then, they have good prptein, too. Their ones easy to be absorbed than rice and pasta and they contain much prothan any other nuts.
  In addision, peanuts contain vitamin B, zinc, iron and so on.

  For athletes, eating is not only pleasure but job frequently. For example, they have to supply enough energy quickly between races. Like this situation, peanuts' high fat and calories will them. They contains about 600kcal per 100g while rice contains 167kcal. It is said that more than half of top 20 foods which contains much calories are peanuts and
their same kinds. It is obvious that peanuts and their kinds are the most high calories food for good or ill. Athletes often buy and eat energy bars, but we may be able to buy peanuts cheaper.

  If you afraid of their digest efficiency, and you cannot eat a lot, I recommend to eat peanut butter. You will supply more easy and more efficient. Many top athletes have already adopt them as supply food. However, be careful not to eat what contains much additive. Some of them are made from much addictive component such as arartificial sweetener and they become very very unhealthy food.

  From such points, we can evaluate peanuts are specific friend of athletes and peanuts butter is the best supply food. Why don't you eat them before tomorrow's training ?