
Another Country 's Food

  A dining table reflects the country's background; culture, geological features, history, and so on. Palau, a rice-using food, is widely eaten in Afghanistan. It is similar to Palo, a dish of Iran where southwest of Afghanistan. Then, there are the other Palo in west of China and Ploff in Uzbekistan. Every dishes are made from rice, but northwest Palau has sharp smell of spice like Iranian Palo and southwest one includes a lot of callots like Chinese one.  I think you have already notice that four dishes have similar name though each countries has respective mother tongue.

  Like that, learning Afghan background is the first step to search Afghan cuisine.
  Afghanistan is located in Central Asia and surrounded by six countries; Iran, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and China. Such geological features appear in similar names.
  Many years ago, Afghanistan was on the way of Silk road and connects Europa and China and India. A lot of new foods were imported and especially, spice and fresh fruits came to be used in dishes. For example, kebab and sabab which called salad in English.
  About 1900, border was lined by UK and several tribes are in Afghanistan. "Ashu" officially indicates noodles dish in Afghanistan. However, Oshu is a rice dish in a north tribe, Aeshi is a thin bread in a west tribe. Some tribes who emigrate to Eastern Africa call a dish like dango in Japan "Ashiide".
  One of the main indstries in Afghanistan is daily farming. So, yogurt is widely used in dishes. They eat naan with yogurt called paahi in there, Ashack made from tomato source and "gurt", a dry yogurt.

  Many cultures, tribes and farming, in addition, it's mountainous region have generated a lot of dishes. We probably cannot define what Afghan cuisine is, but this is it, I think. It's variety may be the greatest point of the country. I hope a day when we can go there easily and taste Afghan dishes will come.

Recipe of Palau











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