
  Few minutes after the vidio was started, I noticed that there were only black skin students. I soon thought that this is one of the most explicit examples of segregation. I couldn't hear what they say and what had been happening in the screen first. However, I clearly    felt there was a segregation in the background. It seemed that they insisted that they weren't wrong. They only invited or enjoyed the pool. The girl who shouted and pressed down the grass looked like angry not only for police officers but for unfair discrimination widely spreaded in the U.S. The boy who got in handcuff looked as if he gave up and accept the circumstance.
  Police officer's behaviours are terrible, I feel. Standard in the U.S. maybe more fierce than that of Japan. But, the police officer was obviously beyond the common sense. Japanese police officers never do such a bullish act but try to soothe if two drunkards were excited and started fighting.
  I have a question more. Were the curious outlookers few though there was such a trouble, were it? Was it usual in the U.S.? Or was the usual thing is such a trouble?

  American police officers often behave offensive. In contrast, I think Japanese ones are quiet a little to work as hero who protect residents. When I was a child, they were one of the my heros and a symbol of strength. I was excited and felt that I have to behave myself when I see them in the town. I don't say just about my individual opinions. I think their strong and tough images would connect to a kind of theirdignity and would reduce troubles in the town. For Japanese police officers who are difficult to even get set guns , their dignity would be very important for safety towns. Then, Japan, especially Tokyo will increase forrigners . I apprehend that the number of crimes will increase by such a visiters who surpass in built.
  However, It can say that they are so kind. When I visited N.Y, American ones are not kind at all, or irritated a little. Japanese police officers, especially in police station, are always kind when I talk or greeting. Last year, DJ police became famous in Japan. They (he, maybe) were known when regulate crowded intersection in Shibuya. Their funny and kind speaking make possible to do smooth transaction and to be in a news immediately. After that, the police officer was prized by headquarters and they held DJ police competition.
  Police officers are in the town to provide safe for residents. The way of this may different between Japan and America. However, this policy is common all over the world .

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