
what do i desire?

  Like the video, if there were no money, I don't want to work. I have a dream. No, a lot of things what I really want to do. I want to spend my life to play many out-door sports such as diving, skiing, surfing, and so on.
  I had hardly been interested in them until I go to an island two years ago the summer. My friends and I went to Kozu island which is located in far south away from Tokyo. We brought a little things enough to enjoy and to survive for three days but without any foods. In Kozu island, we only did something to survive. Seeking water to drink, hunting fishes with harpoon and making fire to cook captured fishes. I did't think that I were playing at that time, I were only living, however, I was more excited than any other time. I killed a fish by myself for the first time. I aporogized to it but it was very dilicious although it was only baked and salted. I swum in the sea which is sorrounded by high criff and jumped there from about 10 meters above. When it's getting dark, I slept in a tent and I waked up with the sun rises, but I didn't think a day is short at all.Through these experiences, I came to hope to play in nature; ocean, river, forest, and sky.
  After entrance exam, I earned a diving license right away and I went to Okinawa to dive in one of the most transparent ocean in the world. About fourty minutes in the sea was beyond my expectation and I felt it were only few minutes. I strongly thought this is where I really wanna stay in my life. I came to prefer nature to enclosed city in Tokyo. In the sea, I can swim with a lot of fish and feel like as if I were a member of flock, and I draft along trade toward the same direction with them. Not only feel the great ocean, I could feel myself stronger than live on the ground. My skin reacted to just a little tempereture changing.To stay in deep during heavy gravity, I need to be calm, breatahing slowly and my eyes feel more alart. I noticed that I WERE LIVING.
  Through such a some playing in the nature, I learned the greatness of them what I cannot learn in a class, with a textbook. They were a great teacher for me which made me recognized my beating heart. And now, I hope that I would live with them, in them for the last time in my life. If "always" is difficilt a little, I am enough if I could play whenever I want. And I also noticed that to do whatever I want to, I need money. It cost too much money to prepare safely enough. I started this essay "if there were no money" but money do not, will not fade away in front of us after all. However, if I need money for the dream, I won't think to work is idle. I won't think it is waste of time. Whatever I do now, If I have a clear dream or I do something to dream come true, I would be in a great happy life.

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